Monday, December 12, 2005


So, I saw the movie Syriana this weekend, and I must say that I was not totally impressed. The movie did not offer any kind of new information that I had not already heard or seen, and the plot was completely convoluted. Basically, I lost track of who all the evil, white oil men were. Needless to say, I would hold off seeing it in the theatre, maybe if someone else rents it one night and you have nothing to do. Well, I am in the midst of my Introduction to Islam class, and I am sure I will have some posts reflecting what I am learning. It was interesting having some background before I saw Syriana, and I feel like I am getting a better grasp on the topic. Until then...

1 comment:

Sib said...

it's been ages since i've gone to the theatre. the last movie I saw in the theatre was Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, at a drive-in. factors: transition to CT, baby, wife at school, being poorer than ever, distance from a theatre, and not many worthy movies. what would you say are some of the greatest movies of the past 6 months? - email me if you want: